Blog #1 (495ESM)
Hello, my name is Homura, but I also go by Lilly if that's a little too difficult, and my pronouns are she/her. The topic of this blog is the usage of technology in classrooms. Technology and media have always been incorporated in teaching since I was in Middle School. Educational videos, documentaries, and sites were all effective ways in my learning as a kid. The amount of technology used only increased as I started attending College, which shows a level of importance, or maybe even effectiveness, in teaching using technology. I believe that technology can be a strong ally in teaching. For example, the internet has so many useful resources that can be provided or simply accessed by students that can aid or even help them expand on what they're learning. Like described above, there were a lot of ways the internet was incorporated in the traditional classroom learning environment that I feel was effective. In Science classes for example, videos of lab tutorials were sho